The Our Lady of Victory Basilica. Buffalo’s National Shrine.
Capturing a timeless shrine.
If you are a fan of over the top grandeur then the OLV Basilica in Lackawanna NY is a must see. Reminiscent of the classic churches of Europe, it looks like it was built hundreds of years ago. In 1916 a fire destroyed the church of the st. Patrick’s parish that stood in that spot. The parish priest, Father Nelson Baker decided to rebuild. At a parish meeting he reveled plans to build a shrine to rival the majestic churches of Europe. The 74 year old Father Baker did not have a penny set aside for construction.
His faith that God would miraculously provide the money was realized when thousands of private donors came forward. Artisans and craftsmen from around the world came forward to donate their time and hard work. By Christmas of 1925, the construction was not yet completed, but the project was paid for in full. The images speak for themselves. The Basilica is simply Buffalo’s grand old lady of architectural design.
The first photo below is taken from the center isle from the back of the church.
I love this next image. It is of the bride Lyndsi and her groom Dan. When creating this shot the poetic symbolism I saw in front of me inspired me. I see our couple standing in the doorway greeted by the light of God to guide them out and into their life journey together. On both sides, their guardian angels stand.
The next shot is also from Lyndsi and Dan’s wedding. I took this photograph outside under one of the two colonnades that extend outward from the entrance. Our couple in framed by the Italian marble arch at the end of the colonnade.
This last image is of our beautiful bride Briana. This shot offers a better view of the winding colonnade. I think it adds a unique visual perspective to our images here at the Basilica.
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