Love for that unpredictable wedding veil.
Time to lift the veil of traditional wedding veils.
And here we are, February 28. The end of our month long salute to love through our engagement and wedding photography. For today, our last day, I decided to spotlight that wild and wacky wedding veil. Bridal veils like the brides themselves come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Short ones, long ones, heavy ones and wispy light ones. Some are fancy and some are plain. My favorite thing about a wedding veil is its unpredictability when you add a little wind in to the mix. Like the weather itself, on a windy day a wedding veil is ruled by the laws of chaos. Have cameras ready to capture some spontaneous reactions and unexpected results. An unexpected updraft make for a couple great shots with Lindsay and Alex as they stand outside of church in the shadow of Buffalo City Hall.
Uncover photos like these.
The next image illustrate the artistry of a veil with no purpose as it flails aimlessly about in a swirling breeze. Our bride and groom get tangled in its web behind the Cobblestone in Buffalo.
A stiff directional wind can produce dramatic results as in this next featured photograph with Terra and Shaun at the Lodge at Glendorn.
The Buffalo Waterfront provides enough wind for any veil to set sail. Here is Angela and Eric holding on tight to each other as the veil takes flight.
I saved my personal favorite for last. This is my favorite image from the entire wedding season and it was a total grab shot. I know that I wanted to include that painting on the wall in some capacity while shooting portraits in the house. Then I see our bride Arielle fighting with the veil. If my memory serves me correctly it was a hot day and fans were blowing the veil in Arielle’s face. I quickly fired off two shots. One vertical and the other horizontal. I prefer the artistic composition of this vertical image.
And there you have it. Twenty-eight blog posts in twenty-eight days celebrating our love of wedding photography. If you enjoy our images please tell a friend! Check out all our other blog posts!
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