FCI and Paul Douglas studio join forces at Doomsday shoot
Last spring Snjezana and I got to know Doug Belmondo and his wife Karen at the PPSNYS convention in Albany NY. We had a great time with them and became good friends after the Convention. On a visit to their studio in Brocton we got a tour of all of Doug’s favorite locations around town. I absolutely fell in love with the town junkyard and adjacent delapitated buildings which just so happened to belong to his cousin. I promised myself I would return there to do a concept shoot there with a model. These shoots are always a lot of fun, and would be even better to get Doug and Karen involved too. Unfortunately between our shooting schedule and Doug’s the only time we could make it work was January. Did I mention the building has no heat. That brings us to our model. I wanted someone professional enough not to complain about the cold and filth of the working space and be able to concentrate on the task at hand. Which in her case meant looking hot in an icebox, a dirty, grimy icebox. I chose Katelynn because she is a natural beauty with no diva issues to worry about. A real sweetheart who is easy to work with under trying circumstances. Thankfully Doug brought a torpedo heater that made it almost bearable for Katelynn. As you can see she is scantily clad and I am wearing a very warm hat. As a show of support Doug worked with no coat (I on the other hand was toasty warm in multiple layers). I wanted to use the blog to thank Doug and Karen for supplying such a great location to represent the apocalypse, and for joining me and Snjezana on the shoot. You guys made it special for us and I can’t wait to do it again! Also, a big thank you to Katelynn’s mom, Liz Newberry for driving her all the way down to Brocton, and then standing around in the cold for three hours. Finally, Thank you Katelynn for being so much fun to work with. We hope to do it again soon……..in the summer! Enjoy these shots from the shoot, and check out the video!
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