D stands for drama on day three of our Month long salute to love this February.
You can’t fake drama.
One of the biggest advantages of engagement photography is that we get to choose the time of day to shoot. And that means “the golden hour”. That last hour of warm directional light the sun provides right before in dips below the horizon. And if we get lucky sometimes Mother Nature provides some drama of her own in the form of storm clouds. Combine these environmental elements with the palpable passion between a couple in love and you can capture some dramatic images. We loved working with Jodi and Nick because they have an obvious passion and love for each other that they present to the camera with a great dramatic flair. These images were shot at the old first ward in South Buffalo next to the Barrel Factory, and the outer harbor at Gallagher Pier.
Fast forward to the wedding and you can see that their flame still burns hot. This very sexy shot captured, with no direction from us at all. Drama. Passion. Love. The perfect recipe for creating stunning images in any location. This photograph was taken at Ellicott Creek Park, which presented a unique challenge for us and the wedding party due to the fact that it is has been turned into a dog park. We really had to watch our step as we weaved our way through packs of muddy dogs.
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